reader reflection
The climax of the story is when he cut the line with his pocket.
The big question of the story is he is going to keep the girl or he is going to keep the fish.
the major conflict is when he has the biggest fish that he has ever caught, but the girl who is with him doesnt like fishing and he doesnt want to reel it in.
The narrarator veiws shela as a nice,sweet little girl. Idont agree becuse it sounds like she is alittle spoiled and undesided. His idea of her was not accurate at all ,his opinion of her was rong and i think that he figured that out.
I do not agree with the narrarator because of the way that that girl treated him. he should have spent time with him. He should have got the girl and the fish.
The narrorator has learned that some girls are stuck up. Fishing is way more important than a snotty girl. Dont take girls on a boat, ever.