042517's blog

Just another KPBSD site

Archive for October, 2011

The Most Dargeruos Game

TS.  The story, The Most Dangerous Game is not a racist story because he doesnt care about the people he shoots. 

CD. General Zaroff just capteres anyone who gets stranded on his island,conditions them, hunts and kills them.

CM. Even though he is a different race than every body else, he kills any body he wants  dispite the color of there skin.

CM. General Zaroff  doesnt have a spasific race, he likes to shoot everyone

CS. Therfore he is not rasist, he is just a crazy old man.

American History

TS.  Elena should have asked what the prblem was and why she wastalking to her like that.     

CD  Elena’s mom told her if that she went to eugene’s house that she was going to get hurt.   

CM    It was un called for Eugene’s mom to say what she did.

CM.  this is because it hurt elena’s feelings.

CS.   This is why Eugene’s mom should be more thoughtful and not rude.

The Bass, and the River

TS.     He shouldnt have cut the line because it was a big fish and he regreta it to this day.

CD.    The boy diddnt want to pick up the rof because the girl that was in his boat [shela] hated fishing.

CM.    The boy should have picked up the rode and not worry about the girl because that Bass was more important than her.

CM.   He should have not cut the line because she wasnt going to leave with him anyways.

CS.   This is why he shouldnt have cut the line.